Haystack Q4 2012

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Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Rasta »

Eventually there will be an awakening, a balancing of the scales and a bill to be paid, and for that I hold gold - Jim Sinclair
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Indiana Jones »

Published: Monday, 13 Jun 2011 | 10:33 AM ET

US Is in Even Worse Shape Financially Than Greece: Bill Gross - Pimco

When adding in all of the money owed to cover future liabilities in entitlement programs the US is actually in worse financial shape than Greece and other debt-laden European countries, Pimco's Bill Gross told CNBC Monday.

http://www.cnbc.com/id/43378973/US_Is_i ... eece_Gross

Now take a look at the 30-year USTB yield and think .... STUPID !
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Rasta »

Eric Sprott & David Baker: Do Western Central Banks Have Any Gold Left???

Some wondering if it would be possible at all, just by going over the historical data, events and common logic, there is any gold left at Western Central Banks.
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Indiana Jones »

maybe goldplated tungsten bars only :o ....
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Paul »

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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by bailouts4ever »

Recent Postbank study shows:
50% of Germans concerned about their retirement plan or pension. Public pension fund faces extreme loss in public confidence. People consider real estate and gold the only "safe" retirement plan. "Gold suddenly perceived as monetary replacement"...

http://www.welt.de/finanzen/altersvorso ... rsatz.html

The journalistic conclusion, "if Mario Draghi wants to solve the crisis...he has to emphasize long-term confidence in the Euro"

"Wow, and until now I thought there is no solution to this problem..."
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Rasta »

Rasta wrote:Eric Sprott & David Baker: Do Western Central Banks Have Any Gold Left???

Some wondering if it would be possible at all, just by going over the historical data, events and common logic, there is any gold left at Western Central Banks.
Today from ZeroHedge: Turns Out Dumping 1,300 Tons Of Swiss Gold Isn't A Resume Builder After All

Lacking official numbers, but going after the clues slowly dripping through, you have to belief there are only a couple of ounces left in the central vaults.

Also: why would someone lie about this? So I take it as true. It perfectly matches the indirect evidence anyway.
Eventually there will be an awakening, a balancing of the scales and a bill to be paid, and for that I hold gold - Jim Sinclair
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Indiana Jones »

This is what should be inside, according to their balance sheets:

Now take a close look behind their window dressing and there you go:
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by Paul »

http://coppolacomment.blogspot.nl/2012/ ... nance.html

I just agree with Frances
she sure as hell doesn't need to to be debriefed ...
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Re: Haystack Q4 2012

Post by bailouts4ever »


Please find attached a hell of a weekend read. This recently published IMF study on "Sovereign Debt Restructurings 1950–2010:
Literature Survey, Data, and Stylized Facts
" has been developed with great effort (and surely cost a lot of $$$ to put together) in order to give important insights into how efficient IMF supervised sovereign debt restructuring has been between 1950 and 2010. 447 sovereign debt restructurings in 88 countries have been surveyed.

The paper further concludes the following:

1) "Debt restructurings can have drastic adverse consequences for economic growth, trade, capital flows, banks and other financial institutions"

2) "A debt restructuring should therefore only be initiated if, on the basis of a debt sustainability analysis, it is concluded that a macro-economic adjustment program cannot realistically restore sustainability."

3) "The scope of debt relief should be proportional to the country’s debt sustainability problem."

4) "Overall, the system of ad-hoc debt exchanges seems to have worked reasonably well for emerging market countries. These experiences may also prove useful to any distressed country, including advanced economies."

5) Under "F. Pitfalls in the Restructuring Process" the study concludes that by far not all IMF supervised restructuring efforts have been a success and even "managed" efforts can turn into desasters.

Quote: "Elections, wars and conflicts, widespread riots and general strikes, or the resignation of key government members can all cause delays in implementing a debt restructuring. In other cases, restructurings failed because governments unilaterally cancelled agreements that had
been signed by the previous party in power. In addition, IMF programs can go off-track...A last important factor for the failure or success of a debt exchange is the size of haircuts."

If you ask me the last paragraph somehow reads like today's Greece
Riots & strike: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/debt ... -2012.html
Government turmoil: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18082552
Gone wrong haircut: http://www.spiegel.de/international/eur ... 57146.html

Seems we are on a good way with the IMF's help to restructure international sovereign debts.

For further details read here: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2012/wp12203.pdf

Have a good weekend everyone!
0.00 € is what your account statement will show on a long enough timeline.
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