Foul solution...

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Re: Foul solution...

Post by bailouts4ever »

Hello there,

I waited for some days and after the "rescue summit" to give my answer to the last post.

Boefke you are right and I am aware of the fact that most people reading this forum are "head of the game". So we have thought about the situation and its potential implications and are now looking for a personal solution in order to prepare as best as possible.

Now as you state
put your wealth in the place you think it will be safe during the storm
you are right too. And that is where my question starts. Knowing all the facts, reading analysis after analysis is not the issue. With a touch of your finger you have access to all kind of information. The big unknown though, despite potential disinformation, is that states and governments may come up with unforeseen steps to balance inequalities.

Germany is a good role model for that. Twice within the last century governments came up with a laws to force a public mortgage on every piece of private real estate - with this they were able to make the smart investors that have not been harmed by any crash pay for the losers...

We see that after the big "breakthrough" of last night that governments have nothing better to do and no more tool in their box than to load more and more of the same, bad onto the people...believe me if need be, they WILL do unspeakable things to us, the people and most of the sheep will be happily accepting this.

It is these idiotic and unpredictable moves that cause some concern to me.
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@Bailouts 4 ever.

Post by Boefke »

Although your question isn't 100% clear to me, I guess you're worried about the confiscation of your wealth. And as you point out, there are some precedents in history that show this is a possibility.

Than is the question, confiscation of what?

To start with gold. I am not worried about confiscation of gold in Europe. This is simply due to the fact that it is in all countries available tax free. It's hard to find anything around us tax free.....not even food! Than I ask myself the question, when something is tax free this has a purpose. Probably the authority's want to encourage people to hold gold in private possession. And then the next question comes in, why confiscate something that you at first encourage?
My personal believe is that the Euro-fathers were very well knowing what was the unstoppable next episode in human evolution. The price of the currency will also be subject to the gold, held in hands inside that country or zone!!

So when we take for sure that the power of governments will not be what it's like today, and the power will be in the hands of the common people again. Why is it than necessary for gold to be hold only in public hands? Gold needs to float again, to regain it's ancient role again.........a wealth consolidator. Remember that most gold in the world isn't held by the central banks , but in private hands!

What you're stating about measures of dumping the costs of keeping this system alive is visible all around us. Another wrote about this more than a decade ago, far before anyone was even thinking about less prosperity. As FOA stated:

--- My friend, debt is the very essence of fiat. As debt defaults, fiat is destroyed. This is where all these deflationists get their direction. Not seeing that hyperinflation is the process of saving debt at all costs, even buying it outright for cash. Deflation is impossible in today's dollar terms because policy will allow the printing of cash, if necessary, to cover every last bit of debt and dumping it on your front lawn! (smile) Worthless dollars, of course, but no deflation in dollar terms! (bigger smile)

What are you going to hold. Paper promises? WITH a counter party? An "asset" that's easy to create out of thin air? Or make that last step. The last step of being paid.......He who has the gold has been paid (RS).
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Re: Foul solution...

Post by bailouts4ever »

Dear Boefke,

I realized that my initial question has not been 100% clear. Still your statement was very reaffirming - as I do share your view on gold confication. Which I am not concerned of.

Let me clarify my questions once and for all:

For years already I am thinking and trying to anticipate the situaiton we are in. So far I have mostly been right and (sadly) things have developed "as planned".

All I have done in the past is playing with scenarios, thinking about what could happen in order to anticipate and prepare accordingly. Similar to software programming my thinking goes: IF a) THEN b) ELSE IF c).

The sole purpose of this post is to ask the forum what forms of foul solutions you can come up with that I might have missed so far?

In other words I have been "playing ball in own my brain for long" and now want to "play ball with the crowd".
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Re: Foul solution...

Post by Indiana Jones »

:geek: I have been "playing ball" in my own brain also.

I witnessed some crack addicts in the international dealing rooms and I've witnessed some cocaine dealers in the CDO business and there must be something quite wrong here. When I quit 'the business' I kept on thinking what could stop this ugly thing and mid 2004 the answer seemed to be gold .... physical gold. So I started to exchange my insurance policies en savings into real phisical gold but still wasn't sure doing the right thing until I encountered the writings of Another and Foa. After a while I believed that gold 'freegold' would be the solution but still bugs were crawling around in my vains (hey I'm not on drugs or alcohol) so my gutfeeling told mee that there had to be more to it. With government using a tiny little bit of gold as money trust, government has to manipulate gold because government is manipulating everything as they were 2000 years ago.
While reading Armstrong pdf's everything seemed to be falling in place, the very real experienced day to day banking business, the very real thousands of years government manipulation and the wish that gold would be the Jesus Christ of our financial system. But in my opinion it isn't .... I'm so sory I am not a believer (I'm no Goldtrail or Armstrong guy) but just an avarage guy dealing with reality. Right now physical 999.9 Gold seems to me like just a tangible commodity. A worldwide accepted commodity no questions asked. Investing in gold is to me just a distrust in governments untill they'll regain there trust and this will happen once upon a time. Untill then I will exchange as much euro's I can in physical gold.....
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@Bailouts 4 ever.

Post by Boefke »

As you have stated often here, it's hard for you to see why people around you don't see what you're seeing here.
It seems like it isn't visible to everybody where we're heading.

Now I've found some interesting article in my mailbox, from a few months ago.

As you're a German the word must seem recognisable to you.

It is in Dutch, but perhaps with translator it is readable for you.
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Re: Foul solution...

Post by Paul »

At this moment I'm thinking Germany stepping out as most probable scenario.
German population does not want another weimar. they will try and do anything to avoid just that.
Without massive moneyprinting France is in big trouble. They are puting a gun on the German heads.

Germany will not bow and choose to work it's way out. They have done so before.
Sarkozy will try and play napoleon which he is not. He will start the fighting I guess. Obviously has smallest dick ...
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Back to Mesopotamia!

Post by bailouts4ever »

HA! There it is - the foul stuff I have been talking about. In a Boston Consulting Report the BCG advisors suggest an interesting solution to the debt problem:

Let's just tax (expropriate) one third of European citizens wealth and the debt problem is solved.

For most countries a haircut of 11 to 30 percent would be sufficient to cover the costs of an orderly debt restructuring...Taxpayers in such countries as Germany, France and the Netherlands would contribute more than the share required to reduce their own debt load...

There it is - the SOLUTION!

Let's just tax the Sheep all across Europe for their governments debt - French, German and Dutch jerks pay bit more - and everybody will be fine in order to continue like before.

Read the short report at:
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Re: Foul solution...

Post by bailouts4ever »

Anyone of you ever heard the term >>Financial Repression<<? If not read something about this interesting idea here:

Don't you think that's an interesting approach to getting rid of all this? In fact that will be an easy path to follow for all governments even for the broke ones. Tell me why they should or can not follow this approach?

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Re: Foul solution...

Post by Indiana Jones »



Everything that needs to be said has already been said.
But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.
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